Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Sleipnir Mobile for iPhone / iPad 1.4.7 released.

Sleipnir Mobile for iPhone / iPad 1.4.7 released.

We are very happy to announce you that Sleipnir Mobile for iPhone / iPad 1.4.7 has been released.

With this version, we have improved overall stability by solving problems caused by iOS. Main changes are Basic authentication and UserAgent settings.

Download Sleipnir Mobile for iPhone / iPad from App Store.

[What's New]
- Basic authentication is OFF by default.
Basic authentication support caused memory leak. This defect is inevitable due to iOS problems. Thus we changed to be able to turn ON / Off Basic authentication.Using Sleipnir Mobile with Basic authentication ON may cause unstable behaviors. Please exit and reboot Sleipnir Mobile.

- Unable to change UserAgent with iOS 5.
Changing UserAgent with iOS 5 causes the above mentioned defect. Therefore, you cannot change UserAgent with this version if you were using iOS 5.

We will keep working on the above problems further to improve stability.

- Change application name to 神馬 in Chinese environment.
- Applied Google search engine by default for Chinese environment outside mainland China.

[Bug Fixes]
- Improved stability.

Please download from here.
Sleipnir Mobile for iPhone / iPad Product Info

Thank you! 

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